How to Manifest a Soulmate Read online
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Here in lies the problem. You’re resisting what you need to face. If someone comes into your realm, and you feel a draw toward them, open up and see what happens. You may uncover a beautiful new thing inside of yourself, and it will help you get to where you need to go.
Every relationship is your soul’s mate, and it will teach you something. The relationships that seem to fail, are not really failures at all, but rather tools to teach you a greater lesson.
They help bring you clarity in many areas, and will show you something hidden inside of yourself. This isn’t to condemn you when you see it, but rather shine light on the hidden fears you hold. If you get triggered about something, explore the area of your heart.
Your heart is a much stronger force than you realize. It can lead you to great revelations in this lifetime, and show you doors you never thought existed.
Tune into the frequency you desire. If you hate country, yet love rock, you don’t stay tuned into country on the radio. You turn the dial. This is much how a frequency goes with a relationship. If you hate certain things—yet you keep attracting them—it’s time to change the dial. Ask yourself, why do I keep attracting this? What belief in me is drawing it?
When you uncover the belief, start a new momentum. Begin a thought journal, and write down what’s coming to you from dreams or quiet moments in your day. This can be a tip on what your inner being is trying to tell you.
Start each day with a moment, like we said earlier, and let that moment build. When you see anything that pleases you (a relationship you enjoy watching for example) dwell on it. Let that moment roll around in your mind.
Allow the good feelings to manifest, because they are the first step into manifesting a soulmate. You may attract more than one soulmate, so be prepared for that. We want you to know that there are many out there for you, but it boils down to your personal choice. There is no wrong choice for you, but rather a beautiful expression of your soul’s reflection.
You can learn from your soulmate something deeper than you ever thought possible. It isn’t that you rely on that soulmate for your source of love, but rather they are a current reflection of what your connection to love looks like.
Not that your soulmate shouldn’t give to you love and attention, but there is an expression they are showing you in the every day moments.
I look at my soul’s reflection, and I face my triggers with love.
Chapter 14: Addiction to Love
The feeling of love can become quite a powerful addiction. The rush of chemicals going through your body, the way someone gives you focused attention, and the emotions that hit you—can become quite powerful. The new love feeling can cause, for some, more harm than good. Not that we don’t want you to feel that giddy rush of love, but we want to help you with it too.
When someone chooses to focus their powerful attention on you, you’ll feel their loving energy pulsating over your entire body. This is the ooey-good feelings that so many of you crave, and you want to feel it every single day.
It’s powerful to have someone focused on you, and we want to say that it’s okay for you to desire that focus. We want to briefly touch on the addiction side to it. If you have had several relationships that felt like a rush, and then they died off, we want to encourage you.
The rush is a natural response to the focused energy someone gives you. Their source of love is emanating love toward you, and it can cause you to connect deeply to them. When their attention is off you, it may feel sad or like they are no longer what you desire anymore.
Here is where we want to help you grow. Your attention to yourself is a much-needed thing in this relationship. If you only survive on their attention, you will be left with hurt emotions. They can only focus their energy on you for so long, without themselves being depleted.
Have you ever given and given into a relationship, and it made you so exhausted that you couldn’t keep going anymore? This is because that person’s attention isn’t connected to their true source of love. You can only give what you have, and then you too will need refilled by the source of love.
If you are giving and not receiving, you aren’t aware that your partner isn’t connected to their source of love. They must still do self-care for the relationship to work well.
The attention you desire, is truly attention you wish to give to yourself. If you are hiding from parts of yourself, and your soul wants love in that area, it will seek out another soul to show it the path of healing. This is why you seek out the addictive emotion of new love.
New love is a powerful force of attention, and it can heal many things in someone’s heart.
If you grow addicted to that powerful force, you will eventually get resentful that they don’t keep supplying that attention for you. We aren’t saying a relationship shouldn’t give you attention, but the addiction of the powerful new love is what we are addressing.
The rush. If you’ve been in love, you know exactly what we are saying. If you feel neglected after the intense emotional attention, turn your focus on yourself. Ask yourself, what needs attention right now? Can I connect myself to the source of love? Why am I depending on another for my self-love and self-care?
These are the questions that will help you balance and heal things that need healing inside of you.
A relationship will never be the answer to lack of self-love.
It may help guide you toward your connection, but it will never fill all the needs your soul has inside.
This doesn’t mean you can’t have the rush of love…we encourage that! When the rush fades—understand why. It’s not that they no longer love you, but rather their own source needs recharged. Balance each other by being connected to your source of love.
I connect myself to love. I am my own source of happiness. I give and receive in a relationship.
Chapter 15: Move Forward
Do you feel the tug to move forward, to overcome your fears, and let go of the need to control it all? That’s where we want you to be. When you get into manifestation mode, you get the urge to let go of what held you back in the past.
You may encounter situations where your old stresses pop up. These are the perfect opportunities to let go of the beliefs from the past. The mind thinks it’s protecting you by reminding you of what happened before.
We want to advise you to let go. Remind yourself every day that you are in a new, fresh energy. In that fresh energy, you can start to attract the right impulses along the way. See everything as connected, and it will feel easy and light for you to attract the kind of relationship you truly desire.
Make it fun. Make it easy.
Make it light.
If you get a few weirdos along the way, make that fun too. Just see it for what it is—lessons to be learned. There are some who will try to hold your energy down, and we want to advise you on that too. No one can force you to stay in a relationship—you choose to do that.
You may think someone is your only option, but this is not the case. There are millions of soulmates out there for you. We know that sounds over the top, but it’s true. There are many who are waiting to be with you, and if you let go of the need to control the outcome, they will flood into your awareness.
The mind blocks what it isn’t ready to handle. If you are not open and aware of what awaits you, you may shut down opportunities that present themselves to you. Work on your energy first, and be open to new possibilities flooding your awareness.
You can never control what people do, think, or say. That is not your job. Your job is to feel super good in your own energy, and to trust the impulses that come your way concerning a relationship.
You are responsible for you only.
Get really happy about where you’re at, and you’ll see joyful opportunities opening up before you. The more you let go, and enjoy the flow, the more you’ll be in tune with what you truly want.
Each step forward is a victory in our eyes. See
it that way. Rejoice in every better-feeling moment you experience. Encourage yourself every day to move forward with it. Be easy about it all.
I move forward today. I make it fun and easy to manifest my soulmate.
Chapter 16: Let Go of Control
Like anything, manifesting a soulmate comes by inspiration—not force. You cannot force someone to be your soulmate, and neither can you force how to manifest them either. The lighter you get about it, the quicker it shows up into your experience.
In the past, if you lacked control over a situation, we understand why you may want to force something to happen. No one likes the feeling of being out of control. If you were forced to do anything as a child, you also understand that negative feeling as well. This is why we say be easy about it.
Your soulmate won’t want to be forced. He or she wants a loving connection with you that’s fun, light, and easy. This is how things manifest—always.
Make it fun. Make it light.
Make it easy.
Don’t be too serious about it all. We know that’s hard sometimes when you are so desiring a soulmate, and you long for the companionship.
If we can stress one piece of solid advice, we would say—get happy. Make it fun. Make it easy. Make it light. We know we just said that, but you need to hear it a few times before it settles into your mind. Letting the Universe help you isn’t always easy-peasy. Maybe you’ve tried these steps before.
But did you make it fun? Did you make it light? Did you make it easy, or did you take yourself too serious about your requests? We aren’t trying to make light of your deep desires. We just know how energy formulates around a subject.
Z.Z. is astounded a bit about our simple instructions, and she keeps thinking, this could work for anything. Yes. Yes, it can. We will tell you a little story from the author. She wanted a certain book, and she put out this simple request that she wanted to find it at a resale shop.
Not more than a few days later she got an impulse to go to a resale store. Low and behold there was the book she wanted for one dollar. She then proceeded to see that book again and again at different places. She laughed at how easy it was. She had thought, no matter what, I’ll get the book.
She made a mental choice that it was hers already, and no matter how it came, she would still get it. This is a simple way to manifest desires. Ask. Tell yourself you already have it no matter what. Be open to receiving it however it shows up. Be light about it.
She wasn’t stressed about finding the book, and so the book showed up into her awareness. This is the simple way we want to teach you to manifest your soulmate.
Ask. See him/her coming. Be easy about how they come. After that, follow the impulses you receive. The easier you are about any subject, the faster it materializes. Why?
Your request is already answered in the energy field.
It is only a matter of getting into the true vibration of that answer in order to see it in your reality.
What you think, feel, and understand impacts your material realm. When you feel your question is already answered, you can be easy about receiving it. It’s like if you asked a question, and immediately the teacher came toward you to tell you. You could plug your ears and ignore the teacher, or tune into what she is saying.
Do you know what you are wanting in a soulmate? Have you made a request for him or her? If so, trust that the teacher is standing over you waiting to give you instructions. Accept the help. Be easy about it.
You don’t have to earn the help from the Universe.
You just have to be open to hear it. Receive it. Be easy about it.
I am at ease. I receive with ease. I am open to however my soulmate wants to come.
Chapter 17: Catch the Wave
Your desires are carried on a stream. Catch the wave it’s flowing on. When you stand on the shore and fear holds you back from riding the desire, you won’t go anywhere. You’ll stay stuck—hoping for the perfect person to just “show up” in your existence.
When you do the same thing, and yet you expect a different result, you probably won’t find what you are looking for. If you continue to stay in your routine, you may end up withdrawing more into your shell.
Not that routine can’t bring you a soulmate, but when you put out the desire for one, yet are afraid to actually meet people, you’ll stay on the shore. It takes riding the wave of your desire to get you to where you need to go. What feels good to you? When you ask for a soulmate, what do you picture as feeling good? Do you picture them holding you, sleeping with you, and having fun together? Hold those images and ride them with your desire.
Let the emotion take you to the steps you need to take.
If a limiting belief pops up, look it square in the eye, and deal with it. If you fall back into the routine of that limiting belief, you’ll stay there forever. It won’t be the Universe’s issue; it’ll be a belief system issue. The Universe has everything waiting for you; it’s a matter of riding the wave of your desire to get it.
If you study for a test, and your friend doesn’t study, who will get the result they want? Well, unless your friend is a natural genius, you will. You put in the mental work to accomplish what you desired—an A+. This is how we want you to view the emotional and mental work we talk about often.
If you feel like others will feel bad when you have your soulmate, please let that go. They also can have whatever they desire—if they ride the wave of their personal desire too. Maybe you have a lot of single friends, and there is a fear you will no longer fit into that crowd.
If you truly desire a soulmate, you must release those limitations. Life will change when your desire is fulfilled. If you are afraid of changing your life, you’ll stay on the shore of your desire. You’ll see the waves, but the fear will keep your feet on the sand.
Once you let go, grab the tools you need, and ride the waves, you’ll soar into greater heights than before. You’ll see how one wave takes you to another wave, until you see the end result come to pass.
Your desire has momentum.
It’s up to you to find the momentum that brings you to the next wave. Open up your heart to receive the steps you need to get you to where you need to go. Desires are never wrong—ever. When they are unfulfilled, they will feel wrong.
You wanting a soulmate isn’t bad or wrong. You aren’t shortchanging someone else. We know sometimes you get your heart stuck on the one, and that’s why we say be easy about it all. If a certain relationship failed, and you want that relationship back, be easy about it.
Each one of your relationships can propel you forward into a new revelation about yourself.
Relationships reflect something.
Ask, but ride the wave. Waves may feel unpredictable and a bit scary to some people. Hold onto what feels good. Ride the emotional desires you want, not the ones that crashed in the past.
Once you form the habit of riding the right waves, you’ll find it getting easier and easier to manifest whatever you want. Your soulmate is on a wave. Ride your desire to find them. Think about them in a way that uplifts you. Be excited to meet them, hear them, kiss them, and be with them. Let that excitement be a wave. Let it lead the way toward your soulmate.
I ride the wave of my desire. I allow the wave to lead me to my soulmate relationship.
Chapter 18: When Things Heat Up
Sometimes you feel you found the perfect soulmate, only to have things heat up. This is part of the process. When your soul finds it’s match, it will work out anything that doesn’t serve it. It will draw to the surface things that it no longer needs. This reflection can be a powerful tool to help heal both of your souls.
When you get into a discussion, and you feel on the wrong page, ask yourself a few questions.
Do I need to change their mind?
What is this reflecting?
Can I accept our differences, and be okay with where we’re at?r />
Not one relationship is 100% perfect, and we know some are under the delusion that a soulmate is perfect. When you encounter your soulmate, expect a few bumps along the way. The rush of love starts the relationship, but you will soon run into the flow of life. Your soulmate still has habits, old beliefs, and a natural rhythm to their life.
Let the natural process begin. Learn how to communicate in those moments. Be easy about it. Enjoy each other, right where you’re at. Don’t try to change each other’s natural flow. Make space for one another, and allow their flow to alter all on their own.
This will bring the two of you even closer in your relationship. We encourage you to remember this when you run into a few snags. Even if you have a big fight, don’t immediately throw out the relationship as non-soulmate material. It could be the big stuff surfacing.
Make space for one another to heal. Everyone has fears, insecurities, and past energy left over. Give room for your soulmate to let that stuff go.
I allow the natural flow between my soulmate and me. I give them space to heal.