How to Manifest a Soulmate Read online
How to
Manifest a Soulmate
With a little help from the mermaids
Copyright © 2017 Z.Z. Rae
All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher
Café House Publishing Interlochen/Michigan
How to
Manifest a Soulmate
With a little help from the mermaids
Z.Z. Rae
Other Books by Z.Z. Rae
Click any link below to check out other books by Z.Z. Rae
· Your Voice Your Choice: The Value of Every Woman
· Ties of the Heart: How to recover from Divorce and Breakups (A 12 step-by-step healing process)
· I Want to be a Unicorn (Why Unicorns are Real and You can be One
Angel Guidance Series
· Angel Guidance for Wealth (Abundant Living for Everyone)
· Angel Guidance for Dreams (Your Dreams explained by the Angels)
· Angel Guidance for Inner Healing (Heal your Heart, Soul, and Mind with the Angels)
· Angel Guidance for Creativity (Unlock Your Gift)
· Angel Guidance for Peace (Allow life’s burdens to fade)
· Angel Guidance for Joy (Raise your Vibrations)
· Angel Guidance for Energy Healing (Aligning your beliefs with your desires)
· Angel Guidance for Awakening Spiritual Gifts (Uncover your natural ability)
Spiritual Tools
· How to Work with Archangels: (Guidance from archangels for abundance, healing, spiritual wisdom, and more.)
Magical Mermaid Messages
· Magical Mermaid Messages on Abundance (How to Manifest Money with the Law of Abundance)
· How to Manifest a Soulmate (With a Little Help from the Mermaids)
· How to Manifest a Soulmate Journal (A journal to attract your soulmate)
Books by Natasha House
Grace Alive Series
Christian Romance
· Grace Alive
· Grace Unbroken
Rebirth of the Prophesy Series
Sci-fi Romance
· Fatal Alien Affection
· Fatal Alien Attraction
The Jade Series
Epic Fantasy
· The Vullens’ Curse
· The Deities’ Touch
· The Vision Stone
Super Hero Princess Series
Middle grade/Young Adult
· Zara
· How to KEEP Writing Your Book
· Illustrated Sermons for Youth or Adults
· Grace Speaks
For my babes
I write what I hear from the divine. Whether it comes from angels, fairies, mermaids, or whatever, I let the words be authentic in their expression. As you dive into this book, have an open mind for the mermaids to teach you their beautiful messages. Every book I write changes me, and I hope it can bring you healing.
-Z.Z. Rae
Chapter 1: The First Step
We suppose it seems strange getting advice from mermaids. There are tons of books on finding your soulmate, so we know it seems a bit weird that we’re talking about this. Us mermaids love to help you manifest whatever it is you desire. We hope you’ll open your hearts to our divine, loving messages.
It’s not easy for you to be alone in this realm, and we understand that completely. This is why we want to support you manifesting your soulmate to help you along your path.
First of all, it’s allowing space. There are many times you think, there is no one in my area. There are no good men/women left to date. On and on you think this way filling your space.
When we say “space”, do you understand what we are trying to portray?
A space is a place that holds thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Have you heard the phrase, “I hold space for you”? This is pretty much what those people are saying.
Everything on this planet consists of energy and lack of energy over a specific area. When you hold space, you are giving room for energy to grow. You allow yourself to expand past an old thought pattern.
When you invite others into your space, you are essentially inviting them into the place where you hold emotion, meaning, and love for them. Many times, people do not hold space for anything, and so they try to smother a relationship they have. They force them into a place without room to breathe.
I’m sure you have felt that in a relationship or two—whether a friendship, romance, or family member. When space is not held, people will eventually feel suffocated. Unless they themselves also feel needy and full of fear of loss.
You are a beautiful, giant space of existence, but when you cut off your own space, it will cause things to crumble around you. You yourself can smother your own potential in an area. Take a project, for example, that you really want to accomplish. If you don’t hold space for that project, it won’t get completed.
Your energy, emotion, time, and belief get poured out into a project. If you think thoughts such as, I never finish my projects. I have so many things I want to do. I don’t have time to do anything I like…
These thoughts are overpowering the space you need to complete the project you desire. When you continually smother a space with negative thinking, there is no room to expand in it.
Space must be available for anything to manifest—including a soulmate.
Are you in a train of thought—going one way—that is streaming lack? Are you looking at the absence of a soulmate, and that’s all you think about?
Are you holding space?
I hold space for my soulmate to arrive. I let go of anything that no longer serves me. I open my heart.
Chapter 2: Manifesting is an Easy Job
Manifesting is easy.
You’re probably thinking, yeah right! We want to show you how easy it is to manifest in any form. Of course, we are talking about soulmates in this book, but we want to help you get this down in general.
Manifesting is a thing you do naturally. It may seem like you force it to happen but has that ever really worked? Doesn’t it seem when you’re not caring or thinking about something, it shows up all on its own? Then you realize, I didn’t even really concentrate on that thing. I didn’t care so much if it showed up.
We want to express a word with you. Satisfaction. When you feel satisfied with something, you tend to attract more of it. Right? If you look around your current existence, what has shown up in plenty for you?
What makes you feel satisfied? Happy?
Do you tend to have a lot of it? For example, we will use the author as an illustration, because she knows this to be true. She has often thought, said, and felt, I have plenty of books. I love how easily I’m attracted to the right books. They show up for me.
She is holding space for those teachers to come into her existence, and they do with a flourish.
Manifesting isn’t about doing. It’s about being.
Have you heard the saying, be still and know? When you be still and know, God shows up in that moment. We know this is a sacred scripture, yet we want to show you a new perspective of it as well.
There is something deeply profound to this saying. Many are very rushed in life. They don’t take a moment to hold space, be still, and know. When you actually be still, you’ll find a whole new world opening up to you�
�one you’ve never thought or dreamed of before. The God space inside of you is always wanting to aide you. Where do you think we come from?
You are connected to the here and now, and the God-space inside of you understands new concepts as you follow what we are saying. Knowing—understanding—being. All of these tie together when it comes to manifesting. If we could stress anything for you to grasp it is this—be still.
The author reminds us of a saying her mother said to her. What good is worrying about something? Does it change anything? It only makes it worse.
When you think thoughts such as:
· Where is my soulmate?
· What if I die alone?
· There is no one out there for me!
Does this add stress and pain to your existence or joy?
We know that is an easy answer for you, so we will move forward with this. When you worry about these things—you only fill the space inside of you with worry. When you take any subject of your choosing, and fill it with worry, fear, sadness, lack, or any negative emotion, you only attract that same negative emotion. Right?
You’ve heard this before; we know you have, but we want to help you really, truly grasp the meaning of many of the law of attraction books or teachers you’ve heard over the years. We want to break this down in an easy 1-2-3 fashion, so that you can manifest whatever you desire from life. You are born to manifest.
When you really let go of trying to manifest something, it will finally receive space to manifest, because you won’t be obsessing over its lack of being there. Have you ever heard people say, it’s when I stopped looking that my soulmate appeared? Of course, you’ve heard that, and it’s bugged you. You think, I can’t just do nothing.
We laugh at this, because manifesting is still doing something, but it comes from a different space of mind. Instead of obsessing over the lack of a soulmate, you start appreciating what you are experiencing right now. I’m sure you’ve had a few duds you’ve dated or been with, right?
They may have felt like utter failures on your part—but this is not the case. These so-called failures, only helped you adjust yourself to more of what you desire out of a soulmate relationship. Do you know what a soulmate is? Most people have this fantasy that a soulmate is a dream boat of a person, who is perfect, charming, or dancing on daisies. They think of novels, movies, or something out of a fairy tale. They don’t grasp the full understanding of the word—soulmate.
Here’s what we are trying to convey. Soulmate—a mate to your soul. If you have a pair of mittens, and you separate the two, you would call the other its mate or match. In other words, it’s the same thing but as a reflection. You don’t put on two right mittens. You put on a left and a right. The right is created differently than the left, but you don’t get angry that the right is different.
Your soulmate is the other side to your soul—a reflection of what’s happening.
Let’s break this down for you in an easier fashion. Your soul has a frequency—a place its currently visiting. The frequency is based on your thoughts, emotions, and spaces you hold inside. I’m sure you’ve all seen relationships that seem crazy. It’s like the person keeps attracting losers. Right? Maybe you’re the one who attracts losers. Does that mean your soul is a loser? NO.
When a soul is mating with its match—aka a loser—it is trying to portray something to you. Your soul is holding space only for losers. It believes it deserves losers. It doesn’t mean you are the loser. The frequency or emotions you emanate is saying, all losers find me and date me.
How does this help you? We will keep explaining further. People in your life—reflect your soul. The deeper the connection—the deeper it reflects you. Does that mean people around you are like you? No—but they are a reflection of your beliefs inside of you. This goes for everything—not just soulmates. We will explain more in the next chapter.
Manifesting is easy. I allow satisfaction to fill my life. I attract only what I truly desire. I hold space for good things.
Chapter 3: Law of Attraction
If you are a law of attraction junkie, as we’ll call it, you’ve heard many of these concepts before. The thing we want to stress is this—give up the spaces that don’t serve you. Allow the pattern of thinking to fade. Is that easy-peazy? Not according to most. They make it difficult, in their own minds, to give up the pattern of thought that doesn’t serve their purpose in life.
If it feels bad, get off the subject. If it feels good, stay on the subject.
This will help your manifesting become easier and easier. A reflection of the soul is never a bad thing. If you see a continuous pattern of thought, experience, or person in your existence, it is showing you something beautiful and deeper. It is bringing to light what you allow and what you resist in your life.
If you manifest losers, we want to say—start accepting, loving, and being aware of your patterns of thought about what you deserve. Do you feel pain when you think, I deserve love? Do you believe it? We want to help you truly understand that you are made of love. You are pure love, and any beliefs that contradict that truth will feel negative inside of you.
Getting into the frequency of what you desire takes letting go of anything from the past so-called mistakes. When you keep going back into that space of mind, you will drag the old energy into your current life. This is why many people keep attracting the same partners, because they stay settled in the same energy as before.
We want to help you with this. Listen closely to our words, and we will reveal some life changing manifesting powers. You are not your past. You are not your thoughts. You are not anything that limits you.
You are a powerful space of love.
Hold fast what you desire, and let it build inside the space which is in your heart.
Manifesting can seem like a big task to people, but if you truly let go, get into the right space, it’ll happen faster than you know. We want to tell you a little story, because the author is a good example. She has talked about this to some, but we feel led to put it in here too. A while back Z.Z. was in a different relationship, and her soul fought against it.
She kept feeling the emotional triggers of the past, and she didn’t feel it was the right space to be in. She knew that current relationship helped her in some ways, and she accepted the lessons. After she stepped out of that relationship, she decided to get really happy and not date anyone.
We giggle at this, because she thought it would take a long time. She started to write in her journal every day a letter to her soulmate. Followed by one from her soulmate back. She decided to just have fun, let go, and see where the ride took her.
She joined an app to meet local people for her friend’s spiritual shop, but we had other plans for her. After a little while, she decided to delete the app. A couple days later, we whispered to her, “Add Meet Me, the purple app.” She thought that was funny, because she’d just deleted it, but decided to listen to us.
When she chose to post in the app about the law of attraction, a man popped up into her existence. They connected, and she kept saying, I’m not dating yet. I just need to be friends with someone. She tried to put a timestamp on a relationship, since she’d only been out of her last one for about a month. The more she connected with this man, the more she found that her timestamp was a bit silly. Who was putting the rules on relationships anyways?
Soon after, she decided to date her boyfriend, and we had to giggle, because she thought it would take a long time.
There is no timestamp for you. If you’ve been out of a relationship 5 years or five minutes, you don’t need to limit yourself. The key is to get in the right space. Get happy.
Find things that please you, and look at those.
If you have a hard time seeing all the happy couples around you, think of it this way. What I want is getting closer to me. Every day I see a happy couple, I can feel happy too—because my energy is lining up with happiness.
When Z.Z. got ahold of t
hat revelation, she started to get even happier. She saw happy couples getting engaged, celebrating their anniversaries, and decided that these were signs for her. Within such a short time, she aligned with her boyfriend.
It’s not about the perfect person. It’s about the aligned person. What are you aligning yourself with? If you keep seeing a consistent pattern, it’s time to break the mold. It’s time to work on your energy and the space within you.
Let go of resistance to what you want.
I give space for what I desire. I let go of resistance. My soulmate is a reflection of my current beliefs.
Chapter 4: Intention
Intention is powerful. Be specific with what you desire, and you’ll watch it unfold like a beautiful flower. Most of you look at the bud—the beginning stages—to your desire and you get frustrated. All the potential you need is wrapped up in that tiny bud, you just need to give it room to expand and grow.
Keep creating the much-needed space to bring your desires to pass.
When you feel that resistance inside of you, create space for it. Open more. Release more. Even if that negative emotion seems like no big deal, create a space to expand deeper. Your emotions are your warnings to change your point of attraction.
If you continue to observe the bad-feelings around the subject you desire, your emotions will keep triggering you to change that observation. Your emotions are working with you, not against you. Your emotions are tied directly to the source of love, who always desires for you to have what you are asking for.