How to Manifest a Soulmate Read online
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Let go of the one, so that endless possibilities will open up to your mind.
You’ll start to see snatches of the energy you want in different people. Sometimes you’ll date them, sometimes you won’t. Other times you’ll observe the possibility in the form of a beautiful relationship around you. Revel in that. Look at it, and affirm to yourself that you are seeing what you desire. That means it’s getting closer and closer to you.
Start by shaping your thoughts one at a time.
When you feel the pain of lack, turn to something that feels better. Look at your dog. Hold your cat. Wrap up in a soft blanket. Create a beautiful painting. Do something else. This will help mold your energy into what you desire. When you feel you can turn and focus on your soulmate again, start by how you want to feel.
Little by little, your energy will move forward in the desire you want. You’ll feel the shift internally, long before you see it externally. This is how the law of abundance works for you.
Remember this. You are the one with the clay. You hold the power over your reality. Repeat that to yourself daily. Hold yourself responsible for what you’ve created. Don’t beat yourself up for it, just observe the clay you shaped into a blob today. If it’s not what you want, acknowledge that you can reshape it. It’s pliable. Nothing is permanent in your realm. It’s all energy, guys. All of it.
Your attention to it is what makes it appear solid to you. The more you give it thought, feeling, and attention—the more the molding takes shape. You’ll start to think the creation you created is in stone, but it really isn’t. It’s all clay. All of it.
Shape what you want, lovelies.
I hold my reality in my hands. I can shape whatever I desire. I hold myself responsible for what I’ve created. I create a loving soulmate relationship today.
Chapter 9: Open Up
There are places inside of you that are closed tight. We know you want to consciously let someone in, because you are desiring a soulmate. Here’s the thing. Unless you open up that door inside of you, no one can walk through it. There are places you’ve hidden away, because of fear of repeating the past mistakes. We’re here to help you deal with those issues.
The past is no longer happening.
Repeat that to yourself as often as you need to. Be open and aware of the NOW. It will launch you into the impulses you need for a soulmate relationship. Every day is a new day to create what you want. Wake up with the thought, I am a creator, and today I create what I desire in my life.
If you are desiring a soulmate, start by picturing that loving energy in your life. Wake up with a smile, reach over, and feel your soulmate beside you. We know they aren’t manifested yet, but this is the first step into getting into the right energy. Feel them there. Let your mind wander for a few minutes into the details of the love you desire.
Do you want to be snuggled as you wake up? Picture that. Let your energy have fun with this encounter every morning. If you close down what you desire, because of fear of repeating the past, that is the only thing you’ll create. Your NOW energy is the focus for the day. If you picture right now what you desire, you create a powerful energy for the day.
You’ll start yourself down the path of joy, because you’ll feel what you want before you see it. Then, your energy isn’t based on a person, but rather what you can create.
We hope this makes sense for you. Your powerful NOW moments will create the desires you are looking for. Start by opening up. Picture your heart unfolding like a beautiful rose—no fear. When you have your soul’s mate, they will protect your soul with all their heart. Why? Because, they are protecting their own soul too.
They will cherish your love, because they cherish their own love. They are your soul’s mate, and they know that when they love and protect you, they are also loving and protecting themselves in this lifetime. Do the same for them.
Love and protect your own soul, as you love and protect their soul.
If you are afraid to open up, you will only attract people who can’t open up either. If you aren’t creating space to feel loved, then you will only attract those who want you for selfish gain.
The first step to receiving your soulmate is—open up.
I open my heart to love. I put myself into the right energy today. I allow love to flood in.
Chapter 10: Be Playful With It
This doesn’t have to be a game where you lose every time you play. You can have fun with this. When it comes to opening up, letting love in, and finding your soulmate, it can be a fun experience. Let those impulses lead you forward. If you feel a negative emotion, surrounding your desire, look at it. It’s a piece of the puzzle that needs reorganized. Allow the piece to unfold, so that you can restore the balance you need.
Be playful with yourself.
Don’t take your mistakes so seriously, because we don’t.
We see you as an ever-evolving group of souls that are always creating what they desire.
We know you may think, but I’m not creating what I desire. That’s why I don’t have a soulmate yet!
We know that’s how it appears, but that’s because your energy isn’t ready for one. If you look at it as part of the fun, you’ll start to see your old relationships for what they were—lessons. They are helping you get to where you need to go.
It’s when you stay hung up on those encounters, that you block up the playfulness of your life. You can have fun with this, guys. Have fun with this. We know we keep repeating this, but there are endless games, lessons, and encounters awaiting your attention.
When you give your attention to something that doesn’t serve you, you’ll only create a game where it feels like you’re losing. When you give up that focus-factor and turn your attention on creating a new experience, you’ll see beautiful things start to enfold around you.
Say this to yourself, I am a creator. I can have fun with what I create today. Let go of the grumpiness that seems to hit you some days. Let it go. Things will work out for you, if you hold your attention to what you desire.
As children, all you did was play every single day. Look at the joy it brought to imagine. It felt happy. Joyful. Good. Endless.
The world was bigger when you allowed playfulness to guide you.
You didn’t care if someone thought you were weird—you played anyways.
This is what we want to help you back toward. Playfulness. A relationship is two souls playing together. They create something specific to this world. If you’ve played with someone, only to have the creation process shatter, we want to help you recover from that.
The old reality you both created doesn’t have to be forever. You can let that creation go, and move onto the next one. We will give you this illustration, because it comes to the author’s mind. When you are creating a book, for example, you may have the energy, impulses, and ideas flowing for a while. Sometimes it just stops. As a creative person, you can choose to move on, or let that creation stump you for years.
This is much like relationships that fail. You can look back on what failed, and let it keep you stalled forever, or you can start a new creative project and move forward. Z.Z. has created endless stories that stalled out, but she doesn’t allow that to slow down her present moment with her new creations. This is how we want you to view a relationship. Don’t let the past stall you out anymore.
It’s time to be playful with it. You may glance at the past, some days, and see how you used to be, but that doesn’t mean that’s who you are now. The only way you’ll repeat the old mistakes is if you keep revisiting them.
Look at them, accept them, and move forward with your playfulness. You can create a new thing today. Let go of the old issues. If one pops up, be playful about it. See yourself through the eyes of love and compassion, and let it dance you forward.
Don’t take your mistakes so seriously. They aren’t really mistakes at all. They are creations that you’ve learned and grown from. I
f you made a creation you no longer like, drop it, and move onto creating a new thing.
It’s okay. Be playful. Be joyful.
I can be playful about my past creations. I create a new relationship today. I dwell in joy.
Chapter 11: Fighting the Past
It’s pretty silly to fight the past. The past isn’t real anymore. It’s only real, because you make it real in your mind. Have you ever talked to someone about something that happened, and they have a completely different perspective than you do? It’s like what you perceived, wasn’t true to them at all. The past is like this.
Your past is the past only to you. It isn’t the past for someone else. They have their own reality they’re creating right at this moment, and when you try to identify with the past, it’ll only keep you backpedaling for your future.
It can feel like three steps forward and four steps back. That’s not what you want, right? Your past is an illusion you keep thinking about. Your mind keeps it real.
Right now, you can be free to create a new day. Right now, you can create a better future.
This is your personal choice. No one is holding you captive in your desires. You are the only one who has the power over your creations. It may seem like it’s someone else’s fault that you aren’t where you want to be, but this takes the power away from you. When you don’t hold the power over your life, your life will create by default. Your subconscious mind will keep going with your old belief systems.
It’s not others’ fault what you have right now. If you hold that mindset, you’ll never consciously choose to create a better life. Not that you be mean to yourself when you take back your power, but recognize the lessons you’ve gone through.
Have you given away your creative power for years? Have you allowed someone to walk all over you, and you haven’t spoken your truth? This is in your hands now. If you are afraid to open up—look at that. Get real with yourself, but look at yourself through the eyes of love.
Condemning yourself will never bring change. It will only bring more shame, blame, and guilt into your reality. Look at what you’ve created, but don’t dwell on the negative emotions from the past. Let it go. Acknowledge it, and let it go.
Be easy about it. Say to yourself, I created negative experiences in the past that I didn’t really want. Now I take back my creative powers, and I create what I desire. Starting now!
Let it start moving forward today. Right now. Sit down with yourself and face what doesn’t serve you. What is popping into your mind? Are you in a relationship you don’t enjoy? Why are you there?
Ask yourself the hard questions, but be easy about it. Don’t beat yourself over the head with the answers. Don’t shame, blame, or guilt yourself into anything. Be easy about it all. Create from the space of kindness.
Ask yourself:
· Am I ready for a relationship?
· Am I creating space?
· Am I willing to listen to my emotions, mind, and body to create what I want?
When you are ready to face the stuff you’ve ignored, you’re on the right path. Do you often feel like a victim to your circumstances?
Take back your power now.
It’s time to let go of victimhood. It’s time to embrace your creative abilities. You are a powerful creator of your reality. Once you start visualizing yourself this way—you’ll take responsibility for every manifestation that enters into your realm.
Create from a place of power—not a place of victimhood. If you operate under the mindset that you have no control when it comes to your soulmate, you will only attract the low-energy people.
Soulmates reflect your energy.
I take back my power. I create the reality I want. I desire an amazing relationship. I receive it now.
Chapter 12: Flow With It
Flow is important. When it comes to attracting your soulmate, you must be easy about it. Flow with the impulses you are receiving. Uncover the truths you’ve kept buried inside. Don’t be afraid to face your beliefs and change the energy.
There is more to you than meets the eye. You are a beautiful, creative soul that is having an experience in this physical plane.
When something flows—it feels good.
That is how we want you to feel when it comes to your soulmate. Does it feel good? When someone comes into your reality who you pay attention to—does it feel good? Does that person make joy spiral through you? This is a sign to pursue that path.
If your joy leads you to that person, you share it with them.
You are beautiful, perfect, and complete with or without a soulmate. You are a perfect soul, all by yourself. Many say things such as, my other half, and we don’t really enjoy that saying. It creates a reality where it feels like half of you is always missing. You then will draw to you another person who also feels like half is missing.
Instead, be a whole creator, and attract another whole creator. In your joy, together, you can create more joyful experiences.
Be easy about it all. Be joyful about it all. Keep your heart full of joyful expectations, and more joyful things will flow toward you.
Jump into the flow, right where you are.
Don’t paddle back upstream and fix things from the past. That’ll only leave you clogged up and exhausted. Let go of the expectations, and follow the flow of where you are now.
What do you feel led toward in this moment? Follow that flow. That’s the right spot for you. Maybe it’s not where you want to be in the future, but the spot you are now, will take you to where you want to go next. This process is a step-by-step thing. Many of you live so far in the future, you forget to enjoy the day-to-day creating process. Here’s where we want to help you.
Step into the moment, right now.
Step into the current you feel, and allow it to lead you to the next step. What feels beautiful in your life right now? What feels happy, joyful, and abundant? If you have a hard time finding that—take a breath. Enjoy your breath. Enjoy the sunshine on your face. Maybe it is a pet, child, or friendship you can dwell on. Whatever it is, enjoy that flow for a while. Get cozy with it.
Be aware of your surroundings, and what’s going on. Let it be fun, joyful, and easy to play with others in your world. This is the flow. The flow feels good. The flow feels nice, easy, and playful.
I flow with joy. I’m easy about it all.
Chapter 13: Triggers of the Past
We want to briefly touch on this subject, because we know this can be a huge blocker for most of you when it comes to attracting a soulmate. You may have a relationship come into your life that triggers something from your past experiences. It may feel all wrong, so that you shut it down before it begins.
This relationship could be a turning point to get you to where you need to go. When you see something that triggers you, it is an opportunity to grow and change. It can help you face the baggage, so that you can clearly let it go.
Even when you attract your soulmate, you may think they are all wrong for a while. This is because you are facing your soul. When you adjust what you believe in your soul, your soulmate adjusts too. If you don’t believe you deserve a loving relationship, you will attract someone that only serves to help you reflect on that issue.
Here’s where we want to help you with practical tips. Wake up every morning and picture a moment you desire. If the past tries to sneak in, remind yourself that those memories are old energy you don’t want to engage in anymore. Then let it go. Picture a beautiful moment with you and your soulmate. Feel it. Smell it. Hear it. Taste it. Let your senses go wild with this moment you desire.
Now, let your body feel it completely. Your mind and body are connected. When your body feels your desire, it starts to move you toward it. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between the visualization and the reality you’re currently in.
This is why triggers can literally pull you back in time, and you’ll
relive the painful experience, although it is not the same. If you do not choose to let that old experience lose its momentum, the emotional response will be much stronger over time.
Manifesting is never difficult. It’s a matter of energy being focused in one direction. Pay attention to what is currently manifesting in your life. How much observation are you giving those things that keep manifesting?
Many of you shut down the emotions that pop up, because you may have been taught it was bad to feel certain ways. All emotion is valid. All emotion will teach you something if you allow it to.
Validate your emotions, but don’t blame them on someone else.
You are the one feeling them, living them, and reliving moments from your soul’s journey.
You can choose to focus on the present moment, and allow it to unfold in the way it needs to. Do you shut down a relationship before it draws breath? Are you saying to yourself, I might as well get out of this before I get hurt?