How to Manifest a Soulmate Read online

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  Chapter 19: Release the Old

  If you have a closet that’s jam packed full of old stuff, you’ll have a hard time putting in anything new. When you put in something new, it’ll be suffocated by all the old. You may even search for the new, only to grab fistfuls of the old stuff you never cleaned out.

  In some cases, the old stuff can end up messing up the new stuff. This is a lot how attracting a soulmate goes. If your mind and heart is jammed packed full of old energy, it’s a lot more challenging to get the new energy moving forward. The key is…let the old energy go. If you’ve had a lot of crappy relationships, let that momentum die off. It’s not that you force those memories to change; you simply let your mind dwell on a new thing.

  The more you dwell on the new thing, the more the new thing will be prominent in your thought process. For example, if you used to drink a lot of sugary drinks, and your doctor told you it was impacting your health, you’d be forced to give up those drinks. You may feel a longing for them as you walked in the store, thought about how they tasted, and tortured yourself that you couldn’t have them anymore.

  This is a lot like relationships. You know the past was bad for you, and you know that old relationship wasn’t right, but you look at it, think about it, and torment yourself about it. Sometimes in your memories that relationship was better than it actually was.

  Instead, if you started to drink what was good for you—let’s say water for example—you’d soon crave water instead of those sugary drinks. You’d end up preferring water to all else, and your overall health would improve.

  This is how new thoughts are manifested into reality. You start with understanding that the old thoughts are toxic for you, but in order to get your mind set on the new thing, you have to start drinking in the new thought. Allow it to build a new habit inside of you that feels good.

  Instead of dwelling on what you used to have, or the memories that seem sweeter than they are, start by accessing the healthy, new emotion that’s always available.

  The more you think the healthy thoughts, the more you’ll crave the healthy thoughts. Why? Because they feel better. Your body will respond to it. Your subconscious responds to your beliefs—which are just thoughts you keep dwelling on. It then sends impulses to your conscious mind to change behaviors and patterns, and it brings you to the next step.

  Suddenly, you’ll be joining a local group, getting on a dating app, or sprucing up your appearance. Why? Because now you are feeding your mind the new, healthy thought, which opens up new doors to manifest your soulmate.

  First you have to clean out the closet. No one likes to declutter—well—maybe some do, but most don’t want to put in the effort to clean out the old, even when they aren’t using 90% of the stuff in their closet.

  Old stuff can be tied to beliefs—such as—the more stuff I have the more prosperous I feel. When it may feel the opposite to your conscious mind. Your clutter may make you feel unhealthy or poor. This is where you must ask yourself, why am I holding onto these past memories and emotions? What do I feel I gain from these?

  Once you understand where you’re coming from, you’ll understand where you want to go next. Ask yourself, why am I keeping moments that make me feel bad about myself? Am I punishing myself for my past mistakes?

  Cleaning out the old mindsets isn’t an overnight thing, and you may still be addicted to the old thoughts for a little while. We promise you this—the more you start to drink in the new thoughts, the more you’ll crave that feeling instead.

  The old mindsets don’t serve you anymore, so allow them to lose momentum.

  This will free you up to receive a brand-new relationship into your life. You’ll start to see branches of healthy energy impacting you. Such as seeing a relationship you desire, meeting someone nice, or feeling overall happier about your life.

  These things will keep gaining ground if you dwell on them.


  I dwell on what I desire, and I let go of everything that no longer serves me.

  Chapter 20: Break Old Habits

  You are the now. You are not the past. We know that seems like the opposite, but the only reason why you are holding onto your old self is because it’s familiar. The new experiences that await you may seem scary. The brain gets used to certain energy surrounding relationships, so when someone new comes into your world, you may run the other way.

  We want to help you with that. That’s why we talked about letting the old patterns go. Get your mind off the energy of the old. Some of you may find this easier said than done, and we know that, but if you keep gently reminding yourself to dwell on the new, it’ll gain speed quicker.

  Your patterns of beliefs have been there since you were young. You identified with what happened to you. The more you dwell on the old patterns, the more they feel real.

  You are not your old patterns. That is just an imprint your mind wants you to believe in. They aren’t real anymore for you. The more you dwell on the now, the more those old patterns will lose their power.

  Where attention goes—energy flows.

  The more you relive the past, the more the past has power. The more you pull yourself into the moment, the more YOU have power. The true you.

  If you find yourself stuck in a pattern, recognize that, and step out of the same mental path you’ve always taken. It will be a step-by-step journey to rewire those things in your heart and mind, but we will help you with this.

  Each step forward toward what you want, breaks off the old pattern of what you don’t want. When you keep looking back and thinking, this is the way it is. This is the way it’s always been. This type of habitual thinking is the path you’ve always taken. Start by building a new pattern of thought.

  I ask, and it is given.

  I ask, and it is given.

  I ask, and I get it.

  I want it, and I get it.

  I’m pure positive energy, and I can ask, and it is given to me.

  These small adjustments will make all the difference in the world. It’s time to get what you want. No more excuses. Those are old energy that formulated. Picture in your mind a pot of super black coffee. It’s so strong that it’s nasty and bitter. Now, picture pouring water into that pot of coffee. The more water you flow in, the more the old coffee flows out. If you continued to pour, eventually all traces of the coffee would be gone.

  This is how we want to help you rewire your past story. Keep pouring in the new story. All of you live on stories. It’s in your nature. You hear a story, and you identify with it. You live a story in your heart and mind, and you identify with it. You imagine a story, and you live it out.

  All of these are wiring in your mind. We know you love stories, so this is why we say, write a new story.

  You are bigger than any story.

  You are not the story, rather you are the author of the story. Picture yourself with a pen, and rewrite whatever you desire.


  I write the story I desire. I ask, and it is given. I want it, and it is given.

  Chapter 21: The Assignment

  If you hate school, we apologize for that chapter title. We want to leave you with a little bit of homework for manifesting your soulmate. We pray that this book has geared you up for change. It is always our intention to leave you with the highest vibration possible.

  Here’s a few simple notes for you to think on:

  1. I can have anything.

  2. I want it; I get it.

  3. I am the author, not the story.

  4. I hold fast to what I want.

  5. I release old patterns of thought.

  6. I am a creator.

  7. My soulmate reflects my current beliefs. What am I believing?

  8. I dwell on the feelings I desire.

  9. I am open to change.

  10. I am willing to let go of what doesn’t serve me.

  Pick one thing to focus on today. One line or desire you want. Every time the negative thought or emotions
hit you, replace it with the right emotion you want. If you see a beautiful relationship, and you desire that, make yourself as comfortable as possible and say, I want it; I get it.

  Let that thought roll around in your mind all day. Every time you see a couple that’s loving and kind, remind yourself, I want it; I get it. Dwell on this all day today. Tomorrow, pick another phrase, and dwell on that one.

  Enter what you want below today:

  I want____________

  I want it; I get it.

  I want it; I get it.

  I want it; I get it.

  Let the thought roll around in your head all day. Every time you want a soulmate, think, I want it; I get it. Every time you see a couple on the street, in the store, at work, or on social media think, I want it; I get it.

  Make this a practice thought. Put in front of your eyes something you want, and tell yourself, I want it; I get it. Draw a picture of it. Create a video of what you desire and watch it. Notice couples that are kind, and watch them and say, I want it; I get it.

  Now, you’re really getting it. As simple as this phrase is, it’ll teach your subconscious that when you ask it is given.

  Many of you resist this thought, because as children you were told, you can’t always get what you want. We can’t afford that. You can’t have that. You are taught when you ask, it isn’t always given. We are here to say the opposite. In fact, even as children you could have gotten it, if you understood these principles.

  As we’ve spoken before, the Universe is abundant. You are abundant. Your very nature is abundance—with everything. If you truly desire a soulmate relationship, you can have it. Period. There isn’t a shortage of good men or women out there. You can have what you want.

  I want it; I get it.

  I want it; I get it.

  I want it; I get it.

  As simple as that. Keep rolling that thought around in your mind today. Speak it from your heart. When you feel resistance around the sentence; give space to that feeling and let it go. Then say it again, I want it; I get it.

  If you want a soulmate, you can have it. Don’t back down from that emotion. You have everything inside of you to manifest a wonderful relationship.


  I want it; I get it. I want it; I get it. I want it; I get it.


  How to Manifest

  A Soulmate Journal

  A journal to attract your soulmate

  Affirmations, pictures, and journal exercises included

  Day 1

  As you look at the picture, feel love flowing to you.


  I am a powerful creator of my reality. I step into my creating power. I now attract the love I desire.

  Journal exercise

  Write about how powerful of a creator you are. As you journal, picture yourself hand sculpting the relationship you want. Make a list of what you want in a soulmate.

  Watch my mini movie every day to enhance your creating abilities: Go to Youtube. Type in Z.Z. Rae’s enhance romance.

  Day 2

  As you look at this picture, imagine yourself on a beach with your soulmate. Feel the sand between your toes. Hear the waves. Feel the embrace of your soulmate.


  I love my soulmate’s embrace. I love feeling good. I love how his/her arms feel.

  Journal Exercise

  Write about a day at the beach with your soulmate. Make it as detailed as you can.

  Day 3

  As you look at the picture, imagine the rush of having fun with your soulmate. Feel the playfulness go through you.


  I love having fun with my soulmate. It’s such a good feeling to play together.

  Journal Exercise

  Write out a day of complete fun with your soulmate. Pick your favorite hobby, and write your day out together. Write it from your point of view to your soulmate, and write it from your soulmate’s point of view to you.

  Draw something that makes you laugh.

  Day 4

  As you look at the picture, imagine a holiday with your soulmate. Put as much emotion into it as possible.


  I love sharing holidays with my soulmate. I am open to love. I am ready to share my life with someone.

  Journal Exercise

  Write a letter to your soulmate all about a holiday with them. Write a letter back from your soulmate to you.

  Day 5

  As you look at the picture, imagine a picnic in the grass with your soulmate.


  I love connecting to my soulmate. I love enjoying a meal together.

  Journal Exercise

  Write a letter to your soulmate about your picnic day together. Describe what you had to eat, your conversations, or anything that comes to you. Write a letter back from your soulmate doing the same.

  Day 6

  As you look at the picture, imagine a starry night. Feel your soulmate’s arms around you. Did you see a shooting star together?


  I am ready. I ask, and I receive. I open my heart to love. I embrace myself.

  Journal Exercise

  Write out your starry night experience with your soulmate. Where were you? How did you feel? Did you kiss?

  Day 7

  As you look at the picture, imagine a beautiful, tropical island. Feel the sand beneath your toes, the sunshine on your face, and the sweet kisses of your soulmate. See yourself in a sexy outfit.


  I love feeling good. It’s my natural state to feel good. I love my body. I deserve good-feeling things.

  Journal Exercise

  Write a letter from you to your soulmate, and your soulmate back to you. Tell each other what is sexy about one another’s bodies. Go into as much detail as you can.

  Extra Journal Exercise

  Write a letter to your body all the things you love about it.

  Day 8

  As you look at this picture, imagine feeling free to be yourself with your soulmate. Feel it in your body. What does it feel like to be yourself?


  I am free to be myself. It feels so good to express who I am to my partner.

  Journal Exercise

  Journal about a day with your soulmate where you felt completely free. Make up your “perfect” day with him/her, and feel the excitement going through your entire body.

  Day 9

  As you look at this picture, imagine a day where you feel so good. Warm. Loved. Happy. Think about the emotions you desire—let them go through you.


  I feel like sunshine today. I feel warm, loved, and happy. I love feeling good.

  Journal Exercise

  Write from the perspective of the sunshine. Imagine beaming down on people warmth, and feel the warmth go through your body. Describe the earth below.

  Day 10

  As you look at this picture imagine your soulmate being kind, considerate, and attentive to your emotional needs.


  I am loveable. I am desirable. I deserve everything good. My soulmate treats me with kindness.

  Journal Exercise

  Write about an experience where your soulmate did something kind for you. Did they buy you something? Did they help you? Write about how wonderful they are toward you.

  Day 11

  As you look at this picture, imagine having a day full of complete bliss and fun. Smile. Laugh. Let the good emotions roll in!


  I love having fun! Playing feels so good! I deserve bliss in my life every day.

  Journal Exercise

  Write a funny, happy day with your soulmate. Share how fun it was to spend time with them. Smile as you journal. Laugh. Write from their perspective back.

  Day 12

  As you look at this picture, imagine yourself dancing with your soulmate. How does it feel to dance? Can you feel their body against yours? />

  Dancing feels good. I love feeling free. I’m at ease with myself. My soulmate and I are free to express ourselves.

  Journal Exercise

  Write about where you are while dancing. Are you at a party, alone, or on an island? Express to your soulmate how wonderful it feels to dance with them.