How to Manifest a Soulmate Page 2
Attention and intention brings about what you want in a relationship. Get specific with your desire, and then start creating space for it. Do the inside job to help you manifest on the outside.
Your emotions are a reflection of your inside world.
They are helping you get clearer about what you want. If you have a relationship that feels bad, turn into the melody inside of you. What song are you playing again and again to yourself?
You know how a song gets stuck in your head? Well, this is how patterns of thought work. You replay them—and they stay stuck. It’s only when you play another song, does the first song finally shake lose and leave your mind. Start replaying what you desire—add feeling to it—and you will see things shift in a dramatic way.
Every day wake up with the intention to be a joyful creator.
If you do have a negative moment, create space for it to feel, and let it go. Don’t hang onto that song that popped in your head for a moment. Remind your brain the true tune of your soul.
When a desire is in the bud stages, protect it. Don’t share it with others who may squish down that desire. Treasure it, love it, and keep it safe inside of you. When it starts to bloom, continue to feed it loving intention, until it’s fullness manifests.
If you feel emotions of jealousy pop up, make space for yourself. Give room, and remind yourself that you can have whatever you want too. You are a powerful creator—same as anyone else.
Let go of the need to control what’s coming to you. When something shows up—check in with your guidance system and ask, did I feel my way into this creation?
If you recognize the power of your creating abilities, you’ll start to play a different melody that will empower you.
Lack is also a creation. It may seem like it’s not, but the lack of something is telling you that you haven’t created space for what you want yet.
If your thoughts, feelings, and space is full of things like, where is it? Why isn’t it here? What am I doing wrong? Those are creations filling up the space you need to manifest your soulmate.
Your soul is an endless, bountiful beautiful space. Many people think that their thoughts, emotions, and personality is who they are. This is not the case at all. You are the space that holds all those things. Once you recognize that you’re the space, not the limiting beliefs, you’ll fly higher than you’ve ever flown before.
Keep holding space for your soulmate.
They have to show up. What do you want? What do you desire? Are you open for whatever comes your way to get you to where you need to go?
I hold space for my desires. I listen to my guidance system inside of me. I allow myself room to grow into what I love.
Chapter 5: The Power of Thought
We know many self-help books talk about the power of thought, so we understand this can be an over-talked about thing, but we still want to teach you a few new things.
Thoughts are manifestations.
Where do they come from?
Once you become an observer of your thoughts, emotions, and manifestations, you’ll become an unstoppable force to better your world. When you focus on a specific thought pattern, what happens? It manifests into reality.
It may not happen overnight, but the more you hold space for that thought pattern, the more it starts to reveal itself to you.
Your inner being will start to shine a light on limiting beliefs.
If you ignore the pattern of thought, and you keep using them, they will start to get louder and louder. Much like a small child, your thoughts grow and grow, until it may feel they are uncontrollable.
Here’s what we want to point out. Let those thoughts be. Don’t try to change your old patterns. Stop focusing on them. It’s the focus that’s causing them to get bigger and stronger. We love to say this to people, because they think the power is in wrestling their old thoughts to the ground.
When you do that, it’s like pouring miracle grow on them. They will keep manifesting and popping into your reality to show you that your energy is on them.
How many relationships in your life seem familiar? In fact, some of you look for the familiar pattern you’re used to. When you look—you create it. Have you ever started with a new soulmate possibility, only to mess it up by pointing out the same flaws in them as your ex had?
Why is that?
What if you pulled your attention off the past mistakes and kept your focus on the present relationship? I wonder what would happen then. We know that it can be hard to break the old thought patterns and habits from the past. That’s why we say pay attention to something else!
The attention gives your manifestation power.
Give yourself gentle reminders to look at something different. Be a loving observer of your thoughts. Don’t bash them. Don’t try to change them. Look at them as a reflection of a belief inside of you. If your beliefs are pouring out in the wrong direction, it’s time to look at something that makes you feel happy.
What reflection is looking at you? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Many people see one way, while others see another way. You may point out all your flaws, while someone else points out all your beautiful attributes. It’s all attention to detail.
When a new relationship comes into your realm, your flaws may try to scream at you. You may feel resistance, fear, worry, and a million other things pop up. If you look at those little resistances and shine love on them, the relationship will reflect it too.
It is not your job to change anyone. It’s only your job to lovingly guide yourself toward what you desire. If your desires are far out of reach, check inside to see what you believe about yourself. If you feel you deserve love, yet your outer reflection isn’t lining up with that—there may be old momentum trying to clear up.
Manifestation isn’t difficult if you view it in a new light. Instead of focusing on the end result, get caught up in the emotions of what you want, so you fill your momentum with positive reinforcement.
When you depend on the end goal to make you joyful—you will be waiting a long time. If you’re joyful now—the end result will be joy adding to joy. Keep that focus straight, and we will help you manifest anything you desire.
The sky is literally the limit, or in our case…the ocean…since it runs far deeper than the human mind can fathom.
I focus in on the good feelings of my desire. I allow myself to manifest the perfect soulmate for me.
Chapter 6: See it NOW
The now is all you’ve got. When you push things out into the future, that’s where it will remain forever. Your manifestation power is in the NOW moment. Start by focusing on something right now. Let it build. Let it roll around in your mind, until you feel the power of that beautiful thought.
What is it you want? Can you feel it now? Can you allow yourself to visualize that thing in your present moment? This is where the power of manifestation is located. It’s not one day getting that soulmate you want. It’s getting them NOW. We have a little test for you.
Sit still on your bed, or lay down if you prefer, and get as comfortable as possible. Now, see your partner beside you, cuddling you. Feel their arms wrapped around you, envision it, and allow your body to expand into that emotion of loving affection. How does that feel? Keep holding onto that vision and feeling. Every day get comfortable, feel your soulmate you desire, and then hold space for them to manifest.
You will get so addicted to these tiny moments, that you’ll start to do it more and more. Your subconscious mind will start recognizing those feelings in other moments, and it will bring it toward you to observe. When you look at a moment that holds that same loving emotion, it will build. If you see couples who exude that emotion—observe it with the same feeling.
Love the energy you are seeing, so that it can build deeper.
This can be for anything—not just soulmates, but we are trying to help you with your love life at the moment. When you invite into your expe
rience the feeling you desire, circumstances start lining up with that feeling. If you see someone who has what you want—rejoice in it.
Instead of growing angry, jealous, or resentful that your soulmate hasn’t manifested yet, recognize the feeling of having your desire, and let it grow. Flourish in it.
The feeling of what you want is the first step of manifestation. It’s the knowing that your manifestation is on its way. The subconscious mind will show you and lead you to that same feeling you desire around that subject. Let it show you those moments, and revel in those emotions once again. Close your eyes and envision that love coming toward you.
I focus on the feeling I want in a relationship. I trust that my subconscious will lead me in the right direction.
Chapter 7: Begin the Process Now
Sometimes you guys put things off until tomorrow, but that so called tomorrow never happens. If something seems overwhelming to start, you’ll put it off over and over. We’d like to help you make this simple.
Write a small list of what you desire in a soulmate. Something like this:
· Kind
· Attractive to me
· Open-minded
If you’d like an easy exercise, we will recommend you do this every day. Buy a journal, and every night write with your soulmate in mind. Feel the words you are writing as deep as possible. This is key to bringing your soulmate faster.
Dear Love,
I can’t believe how fun our day was today. I really enjoyed our deep conversations we had. You release such love in my life. I’m so thankful for you. You have the most genuine heart I’ve ever seen. Thank you for always being kind-hearted to me every day. You make me feel so loved. You are so handsome/beautiful.
Love, (sign your name)
The next thing you’ll do is write a letter from your soulmate back to you like this:
Dear Love,
Thank you for your kind words. You are such a beautiful, loving person, and so sexy. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner than you. I love how easily we connect to each other. Thank you for being so open with me, and allowing me to share my life with you.
Your loving soulmate forever.
The more good feelings you enjoy while doing this exercise, the more the energy of your loving relationship will find you. Sometimes you may see only pieces of what you want, but even in that, get really happy about seeing traces of what you want.
You’re getting closer.
Anytime you want to manifest something, impulses and inspiration will flood your mind and body. When you have a sudden impulse to buy a book, listen to a teacher, go to a group, or add yourself to a dating app—listen to those.
They could lead you to where you need to go. It’s not about finding the perfect one right now—it’s about listening to yourself. You know where your soulmate is. You may not think you do—but the more energy you invest into your soulmate—your natural response will be to line up with them.
They are there. All of you have one. A soulmate is simply an energy that’s reflecting your current state. If your energy is low, and you can’t find what you want, it’s time to raise your energy to what you desire.
· Energy is thoughts.
· Energy is emotions.
· Energy is impulses and inspiration.
All of these combined bring you to where you need to go.
Some of you ask the question of when is my soulmate going to show up? I’m doing all of this already.
We want to help you with that. Have you created a safe space inside of you to accept your soulmate’s energy? If you’ve been burned by love before, you may have blocked off that space inside of you to have a happy relationship.
Time to clean the house up. Yes, we know you’ve been hurt before, and we want you to know we care about that. Here’s the thing though, the power is in your current emotions. If you keep looking at the backlog of negative experiences, you’ll keep filling the space in your heart with the wrong energy.
The energy of love is contagious.
When you get a feeling for a happy relationship—it’ll naturally give you impulses to change behaviors. Space must be cleared in order to manifest your relationship.
There is one there. We know we just said that, but we want to say it again and again. There are many seeking a soulmate, but they don’t understand that they are their own soulmate. Now, that sounds a bit weird, but let us explain it a bit better to you.
Whatever you’re seeing around you is your soul’s mate. Your soul is always evolving and changing, and if you create a safe space for what you desire, it’ll show up. It may be a bit odd at first, or a few things need to align to get what you really want, but that’s okay. Allow the process to take you where you need to go.
If you run into a few oddball relationships, don’t grow discouraged. They are just helping you get to where you need to go. We’ll talk about the author for a moment, because she doesn’t mind when we use her stories.
She put out a powerful intention to get out of a negative relationship, and within just a few months, she got impulses to get on some dating apps. She looked around, but nothing seemed quite right. When she spotted one person, she felt a tug toward him, so she messaged him. Within a short while, she was dating a guy, although, one of her impulses was that he wasn’t right for her.
She still allowed herself to get into the relationship, and pretty soon her beliefs popped up left and right. He drew out of her what needed to be healed, and she started down the path she needed to go. When the relationship ended, she was thankful for the lessons it taught her, and she realized that it was all part of the plan she needed.
These are what we were talking about. Even if a person comes into your world, who isn’t the one, maybe they are there to help you learn about what’s happening in your soul. They can help clean up the current vibration, and show you parts of yourself you were unaware of.
Let the process lead you to the next step.
Not that you have to go through a bunch of relationships to get you to the one you desire, but you can allow the impulses to carry you forward.
I start my process now. I allow my intuition to bring me to my soulmate relationship.
Chapter 8: Shaping What You Want
Have you ever had a piece of playdough or clay, and you felt the thrill of shaping whatever you wanted? The more your imagination stretched, the greater the creation would turn out. There were endless possibilities in your hands, and it didn’t matter that it was only playdough. Did you create a pizza? An animal? Don’t deny it—you probably tried to eat the pizza you made.
This is how we want you to view your world. You are the creator, and your world is your playdough. When you start shaping the encounters you have with people, you’ll feel the thrill that you can truly ask and receive what you desire.
When it comes to relationships—shape what you want.
Start a list. Ask. Put your hands into the playdough, and start shaping what you want. The Universe knows how to bring your matching energy to you.
When we talk about soulmates, we want to clarify what it is—even though we already have. A soul’s mate is the energy one soul is putting out to attract another that matches it. Whatever energy your soul is putting out—will show up in your world. This is you shaping what you desire, though sometimes without knowing about it.
There is always freewill for yourself and others. If you have your eye set on a certain individual, we want you to shake that off. There is more than one individual who will match your soul.
Your attention to just one, can be a hindrance for you.
Many of you ask, is my ex the one? You look at the pros and cons of the past relationship, and you yearn for the pros, but aren’t very fond of the cons. We say this to you, if you desire your ex back, you’ll have to rematch their energy again.
If you grew from the experience with your ex, you’ll no longer be their vibrational match. It’
ll feel like it keeps clashing—again and again.
Don’t get stuck on the one. Shape what you desire. Shape the energy you want in a soulmate, and be aware of the opportunities that come into your experience. They will come naturally. Your attention to the one will keep you stuck, and you won’t see the endless possibilities for other relationships around you. Your mind won’t pick up on the impulses you would have received if you’d left your options open.
When you stay stuck on an ex, it clogs up the natural flow of where your energy will take you next. It stops the creative process. Not that your ex couldn’t be the one for you, but currently they aren’t your match, so let go of the expectation that they’ll come back, or somehow, it’ll work out. If it’s supposed to work out—it will.
There is no use worrying if they are the one or not, because there are lots of soulmates for you. You don’t need to fret. If you have a pattern of thought, concerning your ex, it’s time to break free of it. Start looking at what you want to shape in your life. Create that. Create a space inside of you for this beautiful soulmate relationship. If you desire certain things—create it inside of you first—and it will naturally formulate on the outside too.